गुरुवार, 14 नवंबर 2019

Learning a language is always possible

We had just celebrated Karnataka Rajyotsava .
It is so nice to see that people feel proud of what they are and what they understand, speak as mother tongue.
This respect and connection with root gave me enough input to write this reflection.
It is impotent to understand why we should stay connected to our root.
*Core concepts are easily understood in mother tongue as our mind do not need to work on translation .
*A language can be means of communication but mother tongue is way of expression.
*One can reside at a place and speak foreign language to earn and explore but native things gives the vibe one enjoy.
The world today is so monetized that we find it very easy to learn a newly created language(programming languages) to communicate to a machine.
Unfortunately at the same time we find our self so reluctant to learn a new language to communicate to a human being to the core of their heart.
To understand this behavior we need to understand what motivates us to learn a new thing ?
  1. Money
  2. People
  3. Surrounding
  4. Situation
Most of us stop at point 1  until we are bond to expand our boundaries or screwed in remaining of above options.
99% people I know are very good at English in spite it is not their mother tongue, it shows they have good trainability factor in linguistics.
Many people asked me how I learnt so many language.
The role model who influenced me to learn new languages is my Dad.
He had studied from Manipal and he knew bit of Kannada.
To keep us(me and siblings) settled while dinner on dining table he use to tell us few words from Kannada like “uppu”(Salt) ”kodi”(give).
We use to feel so wow of Dad and finish food listening to his stories and words from different languages. We used to be excited by the stories
of his real life experiences.
The second major motivation was Mr. P. V. Narasimha Rao.
When he became Prime minister he was introduced as one who knows 17 languages and can speak fluently in many of them.
My tender mind felt that it is possible to learn many language and this clicked me to learn more and more languages.
I had just started my schooling then and I was newly introduced to English as second language.
I decided to learn as many languages I can in my life.
Since then I started searching for a chance to get any possible exposer to a new language.
When I was in middle school I got exposer to Telugu and first thing I learnt was “Annam tinnawa?”.
I got this opportunity because there was a new tenant in our house from Andhra.
Uncle was in CRPF and was able to speak good Hindi whereas  aunty could not understand Hindi.
I took this as an opportunity and we started to communicate in sign language and combination of our own created language.
Any unsettled communication was settled only when uncle was back from his duty.
Next was Tamil and Marathi when I was in high school and competing for President award from Scout and Guide.
We had teams from different parts of India. There was a task to make at least 5 pen friends.
During this I came across Archana from Chennai and Pinky from Belgaum.
In every exchange of letters we exchanged words and meaning of few words from our mother tongue.
The major exposer I got when I shifted to Bangalore for my BE.
My mind was ready to accept language with a good workout and things rolled very swiftly.
Now coming back to what can motivate to learn new language other than money is “signal to mind that it is possible”.

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