मंगलवार, 22 अक्तूबर 2019

Discard all vessel of alluminium and plastic

Aluminum and plastic vessels are cheaper so we see it everywhere people using it.
These vessels are poisoning food consumed. We need to stop it.  Government should ban on these vessels production it self. There is no sence of giving life insurance policies. It is better to control things at root level. It is better to cut the causes of bad health . Then only we can imagine a better and healthy world. 

सोमवार, 21 अक्तूबर 2019

Money driven world

The habit of questioning myself led me to the fact where I was able to understand we are in-fact making our life more complex while we were trying to make it more simple.

Unknowingly we pushed our-self in an era of money driven world. World would have been much better if we were more knowledge oriented as we were in so called "Satyug" . An era until when mechanical engineering was a fact . 

I see birds in my garden. They get up early morning they creep and dance. Fly around to find some water and grains. They collect their breakfast in morning. They do not keep a pantry. Life is so easy and happy with less .
A normal working  human being with small kids gets up in morning with a pan or some packaged food in hand. Though we enjoy having too much of emotions ,brain and capabilities to do work and deliver excellence we do not get up and dance thinking it's new morning. Our life gets wast running behind materialistic world. Even we had completed our food, which is the most basic thing in world.
Some 3000 years back we did not had to think what we will eate now. Just pluck fruits around or hunt and was enough to live a happy life.

Mobile phones should not be kept in pockets

When ever I travel and see people around  I see most of them keeping mobile in pockets.
When ever communicating is possible I ask them not to keep mobile in atleast shirt pocket which is very near to heart.
It is bad for our health and so mobile phones should not be kept very  close to our body .
While sleeping we should always keep mobile phones away from us . I also see people keep it near pillow which has bad effect on our brain.

Let's make a habit of  asking people to stop doing it when ever we see them doing so.

रविवार, 20 अक्तूबर 2019

Data oriented technology providers are our friend or foe

 We as a general people need to understand terms and technology around data .These are still very new topic for general population.
Google, Amazon, Facebook, tweeter is name of few big companies for which data is their base for revenue.

Any technology that works for you is your friend, till the time you are utilizing it in control.
For example, lion can also be commanded by his ring master at the same time a very obedient robot can also become a demon for its creator or user. Lion is a demon, but it works for us as per instructions when under control, whereas obedient robot becomes a demon for us when out of control.

So, it is the control which makes a technology behave as a friend or foe. Here control means the regulatory body which defines the rules and regulations towards the uses of “internet of things” or any technology coming to the market.

 I remember some time ago there was a debate between Facebook and Apple services “iOS” on the topic weather data selling is good or not. I could see Facebook was in favor of data selling but Apple was against data selling. This all depends on the way of their business model function. Major business of Facebook is dependent on the data selling whereas iOS is very famous for their data privacy features.

So, it all depends on how it is regulated. In my opinion if any service provider or any technology provider provides you the service or product without infringing your data privacy, is friend. If they are providing you the product or services within the premises of the regulations it will be a friend.

As soon as they start departing from their promises regarding data and privacy it becomes our foe. If these companies start functioning without enough control of regulatory bodies and starts tempering or using our data, it will be the biggest nightmare for us.

Regulatory bodies also must keep updating them in pace with the growing technology.

In a recent example we can see murderer of Kamlesh Tiwari tracked his location by using Google map. May be regulatory bodies should learn a lesson how to keep a tap on this type of use in future. Technology can be used to stop murders instead of a help in murder.